Author: Samir Hittawy
He stood looking at the sun as it slowly removed the darkness from its path, thinking.
Perhaps if we woke up from our sleep one day and found the problems of life woke up early before us and before the light of day came, packed its things and gave us a look of pity while we were still sleeping there in meekness not wronger or wronged, then it imprinted a kiss on our forehead and shed a tear of parting Inflamed, and stood at our door gave one last farewell look, then turned its face away and shut the door behind and set off with her things under cover of darkness dispelled by a faint burst of light, trotted and ran till she was gone forever.
Perhaps if we woke up and found our problems did this and left, we would have left our whole life in order to search for it and we would have gone out in its wake, jogging and running, and we may not return until it returns or perishes before we reach it.
We interact with hardship, and problems until we mature, and perhaps we are in this like gold; That noble, precious reddish-yellow metal that is often extracted from the ground; was buried, treated, smelted; Refine, shine, maybe.